What do you do if your guy friend is going country?

i need some help… a good friend of mine is turning country and i dont mind it but i dont know how far he will go. Does anyone have any ideas on how to slow this change down or limit it?

I agree wholeheartedly and am equally concerned. My message to this person, “WTF, you’ve changed, man… I don’t even know who you are anymore…” :SADFACE!!!:

Does he listen to country music all day whilst out in his garage working on his turbo tractor motor?

Was spotted wearing boots of the quasi-cowboy variety… True story.

Whats wrong with country?

Country music is great when it’s a music video and I can mute it. I have yet to see an ugly female country singer.

you’re kidding me, right?

Country is terrible.

Does he get drunk and listen to sappy country songs in his parked car? Alone?

His dog keeps him company

i can get down with old country

do his wife in the back of his truck then steal his dog.
Leave hiphop cd inplace where the dog was.

Good. I’ll finally have someone to drink cheap beers and listen to good music with. It’s hard to find someone who can appreciate Travis Tritt. Just no playing with bubble gum…

We live in Buffalo.

There are far too many gone country people for my tastes.

Sometimes when I drive down 31 to work I listen to WYRK and sing along.

Honky Tonks! All of yalls

nothing, i like counrty music. i used to live on a farm and can say that i enjoy it(some) but it is like a new drug for this guy. And i dont know when or if he will go to far…

Me too, hank sr and jr, keith w., and so on.

disown him as a friend… that’s what I would do. make sure he his rock bottom before you allow him back…

His dog got ran over by a pickup truck didn’t it. :frowning:

I wish this was all a bad dream that we were going to wake up from momentarily…But no…:meh:

as in brokeback mountain country?

Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, George Strait and Jerry Garcia :tup:

billy ray, cowboy troy, tim mcgraw :tdown: