What do you do if your guy friend is going country?

I hate country. Its boring. And it all sounds the same.

I love Garth Brooks, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson

And Jerry Garcia. He was blue grass/country before psychedlic. JG rocks either way.

Dire wolf: if thats not old school country… http://youtube.com/watch?v=Hhqyg_dTaTg

Poor John, doesn’t he know there’s a “must be this tall” sign to ride the country ban wagon. <3 zd

I gave away 6 tickets to Martina Mcbride sat. I’ll probably pick up another 10-15 to give away tomarrow. I got the madddd hookup. Its a good way to meet bitches…offer them free concert tickets lol.

"Gettin’ tired of these jackoffs wearin cowboy hats and cowboy boots, grown men, ITS NOT EVEN HALLOWEEN!!! Why do certain men feel the need to dress up as mythic figures?

Closest you’ve ever been to a cow is when you stop to take a piss at an Arby’s."

-George Carlin

juice newton

no spurs
no cowboy boots

and WTF is wrong with country

that is some funny sh*t there.

Nothing is WRONG with country in moderation, I just dont want him going over board and NOT being able to make it back.

country music and country parties ( jam in the valley, Langford, ect ) are an awesome time. Its just a ton of people hangin out, drinking having a good time. You go to a rap concert or gathering it smells like weed every persons a thug/gangster wanna be and… the music SUCKS

IDK about you guys but im not from the streets i don’t wanna be from the streets and personally don’t give a damn about hearing about the " struggle, hustle, drugs, babies mommas, your niggazz or any of that"

All I know is that I’m going to marry Taylor Swift.

I like country.


Country music isnt bad at all.

ugh… someone send him a link to the thread already. This is getting boring.

will do, i hope he made it back from the honky tonk or isnt roping some cattle.

maybe he went to the rodeo again this weekend? :gotme:

he was at the beach, and hasn’t read this thread, or anything else on the forum in a week.

i will pop back in when the summer is over.

10-4 good buddy, give us a ring when your back in this part of town.

ps. maybe i should get a CB radio so i can talk to you.

just open a bar near main/transit…

I guess he figured out that the only two things in life that make it worth living are guitars that tune good and firm feeling women…

i think it is over… well at least around here.