what happened here???

god this is gay.

aaron get to work will ya

failure @ t3h funnies.


i think aaron needs to be on the night crew hahaha <3




damnit… it wasnt supposed to be funny…

and shut up paul… you do nothing in day crew :slight_smile:

whew i can breathe again

edit :slight_smile:

admirable admission of seasonal self fail :tup:

lolol…thanks G-OFF


lolol…thanks G-OFF



original thread day crew -1
admirable admission of seasonal self fail day crew+1

even for the day

It looks like a repost from yourself from 5 days ago :gotme:


[quote=“fairgentleman Z,post:31,topic:37536"”]

It looks like a repost from yourself from 5 days ago :gotme:



you missed the whole thread J…


whats with all the pointless threads lately?

die chris

I think your overuse of the seasonal fail is -.5

Oh…and dont forget.

Your car is yellow and I know what your Halloween costume is…I will meet you at Makitas!

ok…the fail pic i posted was to fail myself…

i made a thread… it wasnt good…

i fail :slight_smile:

I still love you Skunkie.


I still love you Skunkie.


me too :smiley:

aww thanksss both of you :slight_smile:


Then if its a self fail…the pic of you holding your broken rotator cuff should be posted and the large letters F A I L on it.