What is a Ferrari?

grabbed from another forum… too good not to share





thats a pony, not a horse

[quote=“K Cuv,post:4,topic:35923"”]



really I thought it was funny

my little pwny


a little pony is a horse zerogaze

edit: reverse that


a little pony is a horse zerogaze

edit: reverse that


My little pony, zerdaze…is a horse?

[quote=“K Cuv,post:9,topic:35923"”]

My little pony, zerdaze…is a horse?


so confuzzzzzed


a little pony is a horse zerogaze

edit: reverse that


that depends who you talk to.

i know a bunch of equestrians that would not agree with you lil dong

its like calling a zebra a small striped horse.

what would your equestrian friends call this?


zerodaze is hung like a horse?

i laughed


what would your equestrian friends call this?


proof that animals can be born retarded too ??


proof that animals can be born retarded too ??


:lol: Wow. :rofl: Oh man! :biglol: I can’t believe he mounted his license plate upside down! :mamoru: Whew.

Hey did anyone notice that there’s a horse in the car too?


what would your equestrian friends call this?


something you couldn’t pick up with chop stick?

but i think the retarded animal comment fits well.

zong, i will take you up to our farm, and let you ride our pony. i think you would be cute riding around on the pony. :wink:



down syndrome kittah