What is a good comeback to "GO MAKE ME A SANDWICH"?


:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

hahaha epic

Damn right she better come back with a sandwich! Then get in the kitchen and make me some pie!

lol @ Vex and Retz posts. Ya’ll a buncha lazy mofos :rofl


Fucking EPIC!!! :rofl

sooo true

just look at him with all the meaning
in the world in your eyes,
and as lovingly as possible say
“make me a baby”


If a girl ever said that to me I’d punch in the mouth so hard her eye ball fell out.

then I’d fuck her eye socket

I would never say such a thing. Do not want!
Take your damn sammich and leave me alone.

THe turkey is a little dry.
