What is style? by PJB

Gotta get-get, gotta get-get
Gotta get-get, gotta g-g-g-get-get-get, get-get

Boom boom boom, gotta get-get
Boom boom boom, gotta get-get
Boom boom boom, gotta get-get
Boom boom boom, gotta get-get

Boom boom boom, now
Boom boom boom, now
Boom boom pow
Boom boom

Yo, PJBs got that hit that beat the block
He can get that bass overload
He got the that rock and roll
That future flow

That digital spit
Next level Matchbox visual shit
I got that boom boom pow
How the beat bang, boom boom pow

He likes that boom boom pow
Them chickens jackin’ his style
They try copy his swagger
He’s on that next shit now

PJBs so 3008
You so 2000 and late
He’s got that boom, boom, boom
That future boom, boom, boom
Let PJB get it now

that makes no fucking sense whatsoever

i love this responce! hahahahah

I got a massage in Montreal. It was nice.

I paid for extra options.

Dude on another forum Im on Joined match.com to see what the deal was.

He has since posted every one of his Matches he has gotten since. Can I just tell you that in over a month of his posts of 5 girls about every day I think there were maybe 4-6 girls that were not utter failures and then out of those 4-6 there were to that while attractive were not bat shit crazy or had some huge mental or financial disability.

Can’t possibly be worth the money.

His thread gives me a good laugh everytime is log on though. I have done some funny photochops lol

pjb, they dont have to be drunk. just find a way to get them interested. pretend you care. win.

Not so fast… Walmart threads are considered “dress up” for Schenec…

IF they were paid for. :shifty


Post link, that sounds like lulz.

PJB is an absolute asset to Shift 518. His responses to everything he gets thrown at him is gold. He is like Chris Griffen sometimes from Family Guy. lol

Paul your the man, just stay the way you are.

T-Travis that Jellies Remix is awesome.

PJB could fist-pump higher than anyone here.

Im not very interesting and just not looking for a hook up.

Our tax dollars pay for them

Thanks. :thumbup

PJB rules, no doubt. I would visit here MUCH less if he did not post.

PJB, sounds like you need to find a retarded bitch. You dont hafta talk to her and she will love you, and you dont hafta hook up either! Win win. Plus, there are some hot retards out there!

Im not going to OD Heck to pickup women.

Ill go with ya

No thanks. Im not going to pick up tards.
Im not that desperate. Actually Im not desperate at all and anyway I think banging a tard is illegal.

Not if she isnt completely retarded

theres probably still laws against that. Its like statuary rape or something because theyre not competant enough to fuck legally.

Id hit it