what is the real son240 now?

oh wow… active members eh… out of all the admin/mods I believe Bing was usually the only one posting and spd-dmn was usually the only one modding so I fail to see how the rest would be considered “active members” when hardly any even posted or modded etc

while Andrew was living in KW I saw him a few times and have even worked on his car once… just because you have failed to run into him doesnt mean hes not around.

Wait I’m lost… I think you’re trying to rebuke my statement… except you just supported it.

Spd-dmn, bing, gonad… they are all the mods etc that people recognize as being very active… and they are the one’s moving to the new board…

Food for thought…

Let’s be real here… the .ca site is the original one and those who own/run it should be entitled to its’ work…

I’m sure we are all busy in our own ways if we can’t make meetings inperson… isn’t this the internet generation where we can/mostly meet online now?

haha O ya, I am going to get a hold of ED for sure.

A year or so ago I said something like this would happen…

You know, there are good hearted and good natured people who do things for the right reasons, and then there are people who prentend to help, or back the good hearted and people who do the right things for personal gain.

All the different SONs, have both kinds of people.

The world today is all about opportunity. For some people opportunity is the sale of an intangible asset, or the use of advertising space. For other people, the act of building, creating, or manufacturing something tangible to sell is more rewarding.

I know Andrew well, and he is a graduated business student. He couldn’t sell SON240sx without being sued by the true owner. He knows this, so he options of for son240sx.org. Makes sense to me. Why would anyone expand the SON name and size, and recognition, for someone that dissapeared for 4 years, and took Bing to track him down? It doesn’t make sense aside from the community is already there.

Now that being said about Andrew, Bing is no different. Be see’s an opportunity and uses it to his advantage, be it for advertising or for selling. Bing is the kind of person that makes a decision to go to the side that benefits him to most and hides it under a shoud of decency. Cute.

Gonad is a worker. He builds, he creates, and ultimately he does alot of work for the forum. That being said, you could categorize him under the build and sell type, but for those who know Gonad he doesn’t make many decisions himself without confirmation or a concensus. This was something that was decided on by a small group, and I highly doubt Gonad was the mastermind, he was probably the only person who could pull of the database copy, but was ultimately working with others who were directing him as such.

All this aside, both SONs are the same, they’re both equally evil, greedy, and poorly managed. They’re moderated well, but ultimately the structure is poor, not because they did a bad job, but because there are too many immature people and too much garbage on the forums. Thats why businesses in large size can co exist, and prisons have bars.

You want to blame something? Blame pure competition market structure. You want to hate someone? Hate them all.

Want to save the world? Donate to charity.

If you want to have fun, and compete, and be proud of something you did, do what you came to thiese forums to do in the first place…

… build a fast, nice looking car, and drive it.

I agree with this but also disagree… and the reason I disagree is because I dont feel the site was moderated well but poorly and that was part of the reason for the immature people and garbage on the forums… and the proof speaks for itself based on who was actually moderating and who wasnt…

When Gonad gave mod status to Roast he did more in what, 3 days then half them did prior in a whole month… the Forum needed mods like Roast who were actually moderating.

You guys are all retards. Grown “responsible” men, in positions of authority bickering and quarelling like little bitches. This blows. As of right now, I want very little to do with either site. Why does it have to be so political? why can’t we just all gather and enjoy our cars (even the dryft starrzzz), help eachother out when we need an extra set of hands, and get good deals on parts? If this really isn’t some big personal vendetta against andrew, why not put him in the exact same role on the new domain? Why are you fuckers making us choose? This is like some gay west side story shit. Eat dicks, all of you.

Unfortuniatly there are some 25 year old + people involved here who still drive 240s and need to grow up.


Well it seems like Toronto Nissan is now my new home forum. I’m glad the kiddies had to solve this over to internet and perform a little soap opera while there at it…

fuck it, im going to dot org

dot ca is now a soap opera

You moderate for 4 years and when it’s done with tell me how much you care. You stop caring about every little thing and start worrying about the big things. Thats what happened here.

It doesn’t matter how much the moderators police and moderate. If they don’t do enough, they’re lazy, if they do to much, they’re Nazis.

They can’t keep everyone happy, and for the most part I think they did a good job.

Am I seeing things? Does it say Super Moderator under your name, the guy with the Civic and the weak one-liner posts…complete with cut and paste rap lyrics? Then you post about people growing up.

So can someone at least fill us in on why you were selected and what is your stance on the site policy as Super Moderator?

I wish I was a super moderator,

In reality my super moderator title is just an inside joke.

Although, I do own a 240, and a civic.

You could say the super moderator title is like a S15 front end conversion, all fa sho.

DTS is a mod… LOL wow know I know this site is doomed to ‘club Si’-dom…

"All this aside, both SONs are the same, they’re both equally evil, greedy, and poorly managed. They’re moderated well, but ultimately the structure is poor, not because they did a bad job, but because there are too many immature people and too much garbage on the forums. Thats why businesses in large size can co exist, and prisons have bars.

You want to blame something? Blame pure competition market structure. You want to hate someone? Hate them all.

Want to save the world? Donate to charity.

If you want to have fun, and compete, and be proud of something you did, do what you came to thiese forums to do in the first place…

… build a fast, nice looking car, and drive it."

I concour whole heartedly…and this is why I nominated you as a VP or top admin for a new site…

Rawr! Come to son240sxandsoarerstreetracinganddrifting.net
Owned and run by me and mark, you can shit-talk 24/7, never have to be on topic, and we condone street racing and drifting. You can all get custom-handles that say BRAP!! and we have actually convinced the REAL Paul Wall to join our forum and post. Check out and post in his thread “What it do baby?”

No, that will never happen. But wouldn’t it be great if it did?


lol i made funny!

this is awsome. good thing i dont own a 240 any more…


cGREG! vinyl guy… remember… need his contact!!

As new and anonymous as I am, this makes sense to me… its not like our little club is worth a fucking mint, guys. This club is pocket change, and certainly not worth causing such a huge disturbance and incurring the wrath of all the members.

When I first started reading about this fiasco, my first thought was “who the fuck is Andrew?”. I don’t claim to know a lot about the “management” of the club, but for me, Bing, Gonad, spd-dmn and the rest of the crew run it. Not to kiss Bing’s ass, but out of all the people on this club, I know and respect him most, and I don’t think he would tell me to switch with anything other than his full confidence that it was the right move. He does more for this community than most, and I trust his judgement. Maybe Bing is twisting his moustache and cackling maniacally on his throne of car parts while reading this, but I doubt it.

I will say though that I am extremely disappointed with everyone involved in this. I have paid club fees, recently donated money to the club, and now I’m told that not only do I have to decide between two clubs, but also that my money is very likely unaccounted for? That is bullshit, and while I am 99% sure I’ll end up in .org, I sincerely hope they get their shit together and figure this out. We provide the funding for this place, and deserve a little more respect than this.

Finally, who is gonna replace the fucking .ca stickers I just put on my god damn car a month ago? :rolleyes:

Well this sucks…to see things like this happen i am kinda embarased to have the son sticker on my car i think ill go peel it off now…this is like some kids fight about toys or something…2 sites is stupid…i think ill jsut hang out on toronto nissan club until this is all resolved…