what is the real son240 now?

.com is being squatted on by some fags… i was going to register the .net and .org myself last year but oooooooh noo… the person who has fought tooth and nail for the neutrality of this place on every single occassion cant own the domain… cause he’ll do something ghey… and since i didnt want to cause a stir i never did it.

that aside… this is a terrible mess.

conceptually, switching is the best move because we have total control. Then it becomes and admin issue which is what all this bullshit is about. It was NOT supposed to be like this.

I have suggested that we do the switch but put different parts of the revised club in names of seperate admin, for example something in my name, something in G’s, Paul (axlerod) as treasurer etc.

this way each person essentially has some sort of veto power and no one person can control the destiny of the site. It really needs to be that way and it really needs to not be .ca because all we are doing is delaying the switch.

this is really getting into stuff that should be in the admin / members section.


2g money

i think you should run the site

Bing, you don’t even know what is going on, so just stop posting. You’re just confusing people, and advocating .org without understanding the situation.

year after year, i’m always right…lol

the problem is now that Andrew feels like he was being exlcuded, which is totaly understandable, but no one person can oppose the switch when everyone else who is in the know is supporting it.

ideally we switch to .org and keep the same positions and admin ranks… becuase there is no reaosn to stick with the .ca considering.

gawd… i have important meetings in the morning and i am up doing this shit…

Dave, what the hell are you doing up at 3:30am?

Ok, i am going to bed.

I cannot send or receive pm’s on .ca anymore because i do not have the permissions so you will have to direct your comments to me through e-mail, msn or pm me on .org.

i hope i have shed some light on this situation.

it really is a very very unfortunate scenario and i apologise for including people in it that really shouldnt have to become involved.

Ultimately everything wil be fine after a couple weeks of speedbumps.

given the situation with the domain i really do think that the switch is best for the club because it eliminates a future risk of all this happening again.

and will someone please tell this Rick guy to go away… how he got into this whole mess is beyond me… really… what the hell… i heard about this the other night and nearly had a seizure… god bless…

if somehow we could get Sasha to hook up an AEM to SON240sx i bet he could tune this whoooooooole thing out…

SG motorsport in 07 bitches… you know it

this should not be something that is swtichedto the admin/mods section.
this is something that ever user should be able to read and know about. if you dont want none of the people knowing then why would they consider paying money?
id like to know what is going on that is for sure

Haha yeah bro we had a good talk. I like your no BS views of the club as well.
I am a realist and although I dont get kicks out of snuffing hopes n dreams sometimes it has to happen for ppls own good.

I have always thought SON was the best potential that never was. Infighting, special treatment and waves upon waves of noobs and ethugs.

I’m a mod on GTRCanada now but almost took the reigns 100% last year. Man that site would have owned but for now its OK. We have the same issue with posters investing time on other Nissan sites and it would have been better to solidfy the club.

We’ll see how it plays out, whatever direction the ethugs go, I’ll be headed the other way.

i think its time to get a gtr with that said.

I’ll try to get in contact with you a bit later on…
i wouldnt mind organizing a high end track day

As for the son issue

i just want the site to NOT be like GTcars

The members will split choosing between the two sites, and one will suck balls more than the other, and they will both slowely get worse and worse.

ive seen it work

Thats what greed does sometimes, ruins things. Its like in the corporate world when raiders come along and buy up a company to sell it off in pieces… except they actually buy it.

I really hope people can see thru this whole fiasco and stick around to keep this forum going.

Example?? I’ve seen it fail twice on two diff forums.

i think the arguement is over, no point in arguing anymore about this bs, whats done is done, if people want to go over then let them go over, whoever stays stays.

personally, im probably moving to TNC, no-bs and most of the people i talk to here are on there anyway. i’ll give it a week and then i’ll either go one or another but at this point in time im sticking with the .ca

Why are you still so persistent in thinking this was 100% my idea and my doings?

Read: I did not act alone on this whole move.

I registered the domain back in May. I didn’t do shit with it, but people knew I had it (people in on the move).

Those in on the move made the decision, not I back a while ago to register a whole new set of domains and just redirect from .ca until .ca just died out.

Once again not my brilliant decision or plan alone. Something we just all agreed on.

Mike (spd-dmn) helped me setup the hosting. I had nothing to do with it.

Back in May 31st, I made a dump of the SQL database from our current host, and installed that on the .net and .org.

How do you think I was able to restore the DB back to May 31st? I wasn’t the owner of SON, so Hostrocket wasn’t going to be able to help me.

Oh and Andrew, staying up all night, importing tables one by one. One word: CRONTAB (or two words: CRON JOBS). It’s on the CPANEL. Speaking of restoring, Andrew, did you happen to see the “sonforumbackup-latest-may31.sql” file on our FTP somewhere?

The new now lets me make hourly backups. And I can restore it in minutes. This was just another added benefit.

This was a trial dump to see if I could install it from the backend of the new host (which provides a much easier way to maintain the db).

The import in the new .db was success so it pretty much sat there for a while.

I was asked by the others involved in this, countless times, to move it to the new host - BEFORE the attack. But I didn’t, as I had been busy everytime I was asked.

Then the attack happened.

The attack just gave it that much more reason to make the move. Why, because I asked Andrew in the past for the domain control panel access. So I could transfer it to the new host. No response there. Apparently according to Andrew I didn’t “hunt” for him hard enough.

How did Rick come into this, oh he merely saw the opportunity when the board went down and realized this was now his chance to maybe take ownership. And perhaps “fix” things.

Hell he even asked me about who owns it and all that on the phone. I told him it wasn’t me, but was Andrew. So how the hell could I even sell it?

Come on people, apply some simple logic here.

Andrew you seriously need to drop this whole thinking that and quit pointing out to me as someone who acted alone on this.

This was a friggin GROUP effort and decision. You want name? Bings, Mike (spd-dmn), and Paul (Axlerod). Can’t remember how well Mike H. was in on this.

Andrew, you are a huge faggot.

thats all i have to say

for doing this shit and being such a greedy fucking cock sucker

i remember when you were a good kid, and not so obessed with material objects and trying to scam people to get your way, dude i am discusted with you. you are agood person on teh inside and youre turning into this fucking devil all in the name of money

jsut like pavel

the two of you SICKEN ME and hsould leave and NEVER COME BACK. go get your dream BMWs and drive around like pimps with your buisness schooling and talk like you know how to make the buck

infact, i wish all the best for you and that you do make it in this world, run major corporations and become rich, cheat on your wives, have kids you dont really love and abuse everyone else in your life so your bank account can go up another few percent

god bless your hearts.

pavel shut your mouth of everyone that knows nothing it is you you havent been around for ever you always only chime in when there is drama, go do something with your life.

Andrew sell your s14 you poser.

that is all.

delete this post and you’re a faggot.

i will not be on this forum anymore becuase i will not be around by someone who blatently LIES like a god damn POLITITIAN to all of his community who arent in the know any dont know any better

come to the new forum if you are serious and want to rip vtec, the rest of you can fuck right off and suck andrews nuts


I’m going to let others have some say about this.

Only reason I have been so vocal is because things got personal. And I was singled out because I was the one capable of doing all the technical shit in odrer to get things to where they are.

Andrew has his side of the story about the money issues, and I have mine.

And about meeting Rick, again, I can just picture this happening on Wed:

Rick: Well, here’s a few Gs for the domain.
Me: Sweet
Rick: Ok, so how about the details on how to get to the domain control panel so I can move in
Me: Yea, about that, see, I don’t exactly have it
Rick: Ok, so who does?
Me: Obviously the person in the WHOIS: Andrew
Rick: K. BRB. LOL.

Same here…

Honestly… all you’ve done is “copied” this club in order to “secure” your position as one of the people permenantly in control because your unhappy with Andrews choices

It is nice to see After 5 years of being on SON it is officealy going to the crapper.

Maybe I should call up ED.

Here’s something people should do.

Click Iquabob, click ‘view posts’.

Now let’s see…
Before he started whining about being stabbed in the back his LAST post is dated:

01-20-2007, 08:14 PM

Yes… January 20th…

And then before that… December 18th… then before that October 18th…

Sounds like he really gives a crap about this board.

I’m going to support the new board because the people who are going to run it are ACTUALLY ACTIVE MEMBERS OMWTFBBQ!
You go to the west end wednesday meets and atleast one of them is generally there…
When is the last time anyone saw Andrew at a meet?
I’ve been using son a while and I’ve never even SEEN the guy.


Around Christmas time I was working to install vBulletin. I didn’t post much, so what. I do some things behind the scenes to keep the club running and don’t make a fuss about it. Maybe I should have made a fuss so people didn’t think G was actually doing the work.

I check up on the forum when I get a chance, but don’t bother to post much. Would you like me to post everytime I login to let you know what I am doing?