What is your LIQUOR to drink Unmixed.

Jager and behaving are not allowed to be in the same sentence

Jager makes me happy. Vodka makes me happy, and then makes me fight my friends without their consent.

Mr Jack Daniels, straight on the rocks, with a sprinkling of oak sawdust

the sawdust puts hair on your chest and helps you push them trees over

Hahaha oh no. I think alcohol in general amplifies my fighting sense, but the worst is tequila.

1800 mmmmmm

At first i was like, why the hell… :wierd

Then I was, Ohh I C. :lol


3 Olives Cherry. So smooth.

tequila… patron

I’ve always been a fan of Captain Morgan Spiced Rum. Anything straight up though, Crown on the Rocks gets my vote.

In Cape May last night I found ‘Seagrams Sweet Tea Vodka’ 70 proof. :rofl Death in a bottle.

Patron for shots

Grand Marinier for a liquor to sip on

Buca on the rocks and occasionally some sort of whiskey


I like that and Montezuma. But I really dont drink often.

hennessy on the rocks <3


you and me would get along

tanqueray, absolute citron, ketel one, and the killer Soco

i do recall seeing the vid, and seeing the sink liking it more

Digging this thread back up from the grave, Vodka Choice has changed to “Russian Standard” shit is DANK!