what is your nationality???

i am %100 italian

German, Irish, Scotch, Pennsylvania Dutch

ut oh,

im american lol

irish,polish,german, cherokee

italian american, irish american, english american

100% Italian.

Lithuanian, Welsh, German, Irish, Scottish.

75% italian 25% germanish

ummm… ?

I’m a mut.


PGH is infested with Italians :grouphug: for the muts : haha :

I am 100% RUSSIAN

how does one come up with such a percentage? Those are some excellent math skills…

Not picking on you… but I love when people are like “I’m 33 percent obnoxious, 7 percent drunk, and 60 percent irish”

for an exapmple. nothing against you irish.

Edit: I did my math wrong. hahaha! :rofl:


:rofl: i always wondered that???

best of everthing

Italian and French


50/50 German Hungarian

I’m fucking american jack!

I have a german and Polish and english hertiage.

Mostly Irish

blended with Scottish and German

Originally Posted by rmrider897
75% italian 25% germanish

how does one come up with such a percentage? Those are some excellent math skills…

Just a guess…but I’d think that he’s got three Italian grandparents and one German grandparent… :wink: