What school district did you go to

Ambridge-aka shithole

i hated that school when we went there to play football. We had to change in the damn gym. After one of the games my sophomore year the fans started throwing rocks at our bus because we beat you guys 40 something to 0.

Gateway 06’

Quaker Valley '73

Yep. She (Laurie) gets her hair cut where you work.

And I was Queen of the Prom!

At DL.

hey wat year did u grad?

Yup thats her… :slight_smile:

And I was on homecoming court :rofl:

Fox Chapel until beginning of 10th grade and Shaler/A.W Beattie for the rest, but that was a long time ago.:mullet: :burnout:

No queen, No care. :slight_smile: j/k

Fort Cherry

Queer Valley

Latrobe until 11th grade, graduated from Peters Township

Bethel Park

I actually just graduated this year.

Conneaut School District - Conneaut Valley

I doubt any of you know where that is…lil over an hour north of Pitt just outside of Meadville.

i know where it is. I make the trip to Edinboro at least once a month because my sister goes to school up there.

The queen was a friend of mine in h.s. She’s kind of scary looking, or was at least lol. She and I sabotaged homecoming.

yeah the boro is about 20 mins north of my hometown of conneautville << hole in the wall