What size vise do you use? 2 part question

Part 1:
Im redoing my garage and realized that I dont have a bench vise or grind/buffer. I jumped on eGay and searched for “bench vise” and it came back with a whole list of different size vise’s but i dont know what size is the norm for weekend warriors. So, what size vise do you use, whered you get it and how much?

Part 2:
Like I said under part 1, I want to get a benchtop grinder/buffer but dont know where to look for it either. Id rather not get it off eBay but if i have to i will. What are the good places to look for this and are there differences in sizes?

id imagine harbor freight would have those.

and ill prolyl get flame for saying it. but theyve got ok prices and if its a bench vise/grinder, im sure it wont be outrageous

Ya they do but it only shows a 5" vise. I dont know if that is big enough or not :gotme:

the vise size isnt as important as what its mounted to, 5" is plenty big enough as long as its mounted to something sturdy

theres a 5 inch vise in my basement mounted to a freestanding work bench, maybe once a year i use it hard enough that tools fall off the pegboard

the 6 inch vise at work is clamped to a 10 x 10 x 3/4" steel plate fab table … that vise will take anything you can throw at it because the table cant move w/o using the crane

You’ll be better off finding a used vise on CL or something. A good vise is pretty hefty, and as such, isn’t cheap.


had it for years. Good heavy steel, 360* rotation and has pipe jaws. Good for the money. Its on sale from time to time for $39 or with craftsman club stuff.


have this bench grinder, its all I need for use at home. Maybe if I had a shop or something I would have a stronger motor, but for the limited use, its more than fine.


the bigger the better. Larger parts are more stable when you need to hammer on them.

i’ve broken 2 bench vises from harbor freight fwiw…

and i love my craftsman bench grinder.