What will they think of next

First the turbo whistle…
Then the BOV simulators…
Then the turbonator…

And now the Vroom-Box

EDIT: The Tercelica SO needs that…

thats beyond gay!!!:shoot: :crap:. SHAME ON U FOR EVEN FINDING THAT !!!

Fuzzy…you been drinkin??? Hate to point out you might have an error in your title.

Fixed. :tup:

how do u even go about finding something like that and why

Someone found it and posted that on SHOForum, so naturally I spread the love. <3

yay! vroom vrooom!! Now I dont even need a car!

lol wtf?

did anyone watch the videos?

The “shutdown” one is hysterical.
This can’t be real. You can’t even buy one now.


It looks like a website for a project or something…
On the products page it has a poll with which woudl you buy, then it asks why.

the ordering page has only a space for you to enter contact information, and it would be a pain in the ass to install because its gotta monitor your engine RMP’s

what the fuck is an RMP?
i don’t think my engine has one. should it?

WTF you dont have an RMP? No wonder your car blew the fuck up…

“VroomBox: The Poser’s Edge”


And you don’t have Ramp Modulation Processing, how could you even drive without that!!$!$!!11

sweet i can give my car afterburners

I’d really love my WRX to sound like an 18-wheeler.

great find! :tup: I was going to get my exhaust made in the spring, but screw it now. I’ll just roll around with my windows down and the volume JACKED … can’t go wrong with this … :::sarcasm:::

BAHAHAHA thanks for pointing that out.

Vespa Scooter… lol