June 27, 2006, 11:41am
What would you do if a mod (1320) PMed you this?
To me youre a little bitch. I fucking dare you to ever say any of this shit to my face.
Then every time you post it he deletes the thread?
#1 Wanting to fight someone over internet drama is pretty lame…even for a tuffguy
#2 Even if you/he can kick my ass I really dont care…big deal you can kick my ass…go flex in the mirror after you do so
June 27, 2006, 11:54am
well thi thing is I think fighting over internet drama is gay and I am a pussy and would get my ass beat anyways.
uh oh, we have a chat room tough guy on our hands, oh snap!!!
June 27, 2006, 11:54am
chat room? it was a pm on here
kick him in the beaver
and tell him to grow up over someone say stuff on the interweb
edit: bet ill get called a ballrider or something stupid and get a PM from a certain Admin like always
June 27, 2006, 11:55am
your scared of eddie munster?
same thing, just means somebody is getting tough over the interweb, and its funny
June 27, 2006, 11:56am
scared…no…not at all…I actually get humor over it…wouldn’t you be scared if a big strong man with 21" arms wanted to kick your ass?
its not a pittspeed day without drama
how you gonna take flexing / tough guy pics of your self in the mirror,then post them on the forum and then get pissed when dudes talk shit…lol. oh well…its entertaining, if anything
sounds pretty fuckin gay to me
take it to to PM’s or something. we dont care about rough man sex