Whats happening to me? Its Awesome/Scary/Not Puberty Related.

i thought it was pedifile jokes?


hey beck, I know you said its not puberty related…but they do say psychic abilities usualy “blossom” during puberty…have you noticed any new hairs?



Wow. I wasn’t even defending him, no need to call me gay. Not even sure where that comment came from. Usually I’m considered a pedophile, as iamjeff pointed out. Either way, someone seems to have woken up on the wrong side of the bed.

pun (pn) n. A play on words, sometimes on different senses of the same word and sometimes on the similar sense or sound of different words.

n : a humorous play on words; “I do it for the pun of it”

theres a new pedophile in town. he just hasn’t gotten caught yet.


Who’s new? Me or you?

I know everyone loves to hate Joe and everything, but doesn’t it get old?

I used it correctly

i kinda like joe :gotme:

GASP Newman likes him!
<–Prepares for entire forum to change its attitude towards Joe…

Naw it’s not really a play on words. It’s more verbal irony since you’re joking that he should drive his car so much that the wheels fall off, but it’s a VW so that actually might happen. Whatever, who really cares right? I’m just bored and losing my mind because I have 2 hours left of work before a week long trip to Jamaica!:lolham:


But becks wheel did fall off lol

I don’t remember meeting Beck at Sherms.

And I never had a problem with Joe. :shrug: Don’t know why people do, honestly.

Furthermore making fun of people for height is kind of lame.

Joe’s always been :tup: in my book. any guy who offeres me a beer first time i go to his house is :tup: in my book

thus me using it correctly

Actually there was a skinny white kid with longer brown hair. He drove a Prelude with really big white wheels.

I let Joe drive my car. He could have raced Buicks with it.

that was andy

his hair isnt even nearly as long as mine.

and yeah… you coulda beat it.

lol :wave:

Oh. Well it could be longer now–it WAS a year and a half ago. :stuck_out_tongue:

i give this thread five/five stars lol. entertaining drama unfolding… subscribed. :smiley:

That sounds really bad.