Whats happening to me? Its Awesome/Scary/Not Puberty Related.

I woke up about an hour ago.

Realized I had nothing to do today, but told myself I work @ 11pm tonight.

Problem is… I don’t have my work schedule yet.

So I called into work and said “I come in @ 11 right?”. And sure as shit I do.

The chances of me just guessing that I work @ 11, is a 1/30 chance. I barely work 1 shifts.

No one else was home. I turned the tv on, and the TV couldn’t hold my attention, because it seemed as if I was watching something I had JUST watched.

Same thing as when I eat. I feel as if I just ate a ton of pineapple…when I eat more of it.

And the scariest thing is… Zerodaze’s VW frozen door thread. It was if I had read the thread, and then re-read it…and then re-read it. Like before I was scrolling down the page, I was repeating what people where posting…before even seeing it.

WTF. Like I am seriously scared. I might just start to cry. :frowning:

I got off today we can go make fun of Emo kids…

don’t do drugs :tup:

I woke up this morning craving bacon and eggs. Sure enough! I had bacon and eggs for breakfast! Creepy!

Ok Mr Super powers…

I JUST wrote down a 4 digit number, and took a pic of it w/ a timestamp…guess the number

I’ll post the pic after

I woke up…took my morning piss, and ate some yogurt and a ham samich lol…breakfast fit for an uneployed lazy ass hick…oh yeah lol.


lol…beck…go back to sleep

you are not super power boy…and you’re wrong…


becoming quite the poster lately

TICK TOCK ASSHOLE…come on, tell me what the magic number is…

You should note, nothing positive.

Maybe 16 year old girls excrete a mind numbing substance that only affects guys who are too old to be banging them…

^ lol

my guess: 0016

It’s called Deja Vu


Beck i found that add you posted and it explains everything… why didn’t you say anything i’d go with you


lol hahahaahhaah

ass holes
