Whats happening to me? Its Awesome/Scary/Not Puberty Related.

I want in on that.

drive to thread starters house…point, laugh, repeat as necessary

is this shit a joke?

thank god joe is here to toss a dose of reality at this asshole

how come he hasnt told joe what number he wrote down yet?


Any thoughts on tonight’s lottery numbers ?

Im telling you joe wrote down 1337

and Brendan lets go


number is 2284

Time on the phone was 11:55

shitty pic I know…

I’d laugh but I’ve had similiar experiences… no winning lotto numbers though.


yet you search for pics of other men?

HOLY SHIT! I didn’t think you would actually show.

not my hat…you fail…but then again I wouldn’t expect any better from you…the kid who asked me “So is using nitrous like it is in the movie, does everything fly by you?”


You know, we’re the same height right?

That pic in the wanted ad looks like Xander… :pimp:

BWHAHA what?

first of all. I’ve never met you. I wouldn’t know what hat you would wear.

But a little birdie said i would find you on this page


and i did!

2nd of all.

I have never asked you if nitrous is like in the movie. :bloated: good one though.

I’d rather drive a VW normally, than drive an EVO while sitting on a telephone book.

haha, more or less, i think i amy have at most an inch on you. regardless, i would have laughed the same if it was supposed to be me.

I have a good sense of humr about myself.

Actually I think you may have met im my driveway when we were getting our cars detailed.

meh. no.



I’ve seen him go through the toll booths though.

Telephone book and all.

so do I…as long as tall people make jokes about my height.