Who's got the day off?

As soon as I finish my breakfast Genny Lite I’m going to put some pants on and go work on the Mazda.

Happy Good Friday!

wait you had off today and you still relegated last night’s drinking to the couch? what the gay?

I have about 2 hours more of work, then I will take the rest of the day off.

i do, but i dont really count seeing how i deliver pizzas for a living…

Today and Monday

I’m off but I’d rather be working

i’m waiting til they make the announcement that we can “filter” AKA leave early. i need a nap. i had a screaming and crying broad in my bed all night :frowning:

Nope working. And slow as hell.
Think it’s a good time to catch up on personal work :slight_smile:

Why was the broad crying? Did you stick it in her ass?

Yea… Im stuck at work… we have nothing to do today though. Hopefully will get out early

I’m sitting here with my shoes off and my feet up. Took an hour earlier to go to the chiro. Trying to decide what to do for lunch, it will prolly be an extended lunch. I will also probably leave early.

I think everyone I deal with took the day off, I have received zero emails today so far.

Since I have a great job, I’m working 2-9.

I only work weekends. Lol

no. although it’s good because it seems only intelligent people showed up today.

How to tell if you have a problem: see above.

out at 1230

I got the day offff. wooooohoooooo. oh wait, i have to go to the shop now because ive got side jobs.:frowning:

I’m chillin at home :wave:

so i guess every friday is a “good friday” for you :rimshot: