working today 12/22 ?

who is stuck working today? i would guess prolly most everyone…

what time does everyone get to escape?

i didn’t have to work but then was asked to b/c other people whined that they wanted off… so here i am, til’ about 3 or so.

i’m guessing i’ll be here until about 3ish. i could have taken off, but i chose not to. Saving my days for my cali trip next week.

im SUPPOSED to be here til 530, im really hopin i can dip out early though

I’m in, prolly leaving around 1ish

Heck No…and I will not go back until tues. or wed. havent quite decided yet

I’m here till we go to our office Xmas party which is at 1ish

we’re here, off until wednesday then

lol, of course u wont go back until tues… at least… monday is xmas fool.

we were all told we can leave at noon.

lol and u are awake??

i am here…I am hoping they send us home early after lunch cause everyone dips out anyway and we got out early for Thanksgiving too…but I dont come back til Jan. 2nd

Why would people be off today???
how’s the weather up there right now?

like 40s and raining


unfortunately my body clock is adjusted for waking up at 6:45 everyday…so I hit the snooze as long as I could and then some guy showed up at the door to see if my car was for sale…:random: and then I had somehting to drink and now unfortunately I am awake…and here :slight_smile:

yeah checking in… I work tomorrow and Sunday as well…
Here til 4pm today… I’m thinking of changing tomorrows shift because I wanna sleep in ha!

For the people who work Mon-Fri its the day before a holiday weekend…
I’d be so lucky enough to get weekends off.

Oh its about 43 and rain.

What if I didnt celebrate?? :stuck_out_tongue: Its my day off…leave me alone lol

Today is a cake day…why take off… Should be out of here by 3


I took the day off but I had some PTO days that if I didn’t use them by the end of the year I lost them. This way I have a 4 day weekend and I don’t lose any days that I earned.