Whats hotter that a girl who can drive??


pretty awesome vid.

man who cares who is faster, forester sti is fucking hot!

forester sti > sti


Oh god it’s so boxy, I love it! <3

I didnt know about that center diff control thing, thats fucking hot



wtf is an impretzel?

Also, shes beat, i dont care how well she can drive.

whats the difference between the UK model and the us model

i disagree I would hit it any day of the week. I think she looks great for a 40year old.

whats the difference between the UK model and the us model

what us model?

The steering is on the right side :mamoru: No, ur other right :mamoru:


Ugly as the foresti is id rock one in a heart beat.

She has a British accent to boot!:smiley:

I’d still take the Impreza. I couldn’t handle driving something with an SUV label.

of the “Impresta” :duh:

It says “UK Spec” right on the back.

that forester is the best mom car ever made

alright enough ass swinging

Best line of it all :slight_smile:

ahha hells yeah…love em both and i love the center diff switch…and id let her say impretzle to me all the time if shed let me hit it , which i would :wink:

The hand brake is actually a switch that stops all the power from going to the back wheels. The DCCD switch controls how much power goes to the back wheels. Its pretty cool to be able to spin the tires a little once in a while.

5th Gear 360 Stradale
A simarly sexy video featuring the same hostess and just about the hottest road car I can think of at the moment. Too bad the quality isn’'t better to hear that ferrari goodness.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yR69n_O7B_o better