What's in your wallet?


oh snap

nothing much

lol same over here.

Same here… nothin doing in my wallet.

:rofl @ the black card

wallet, dont know where it is AHHA, has my paypal biz card, my bank biz card, my personal debit card, my other personal debit card and a few maxed out credit cards :smiley: love em !! and a bunch of id’s, i mean a BUNCH

but i dont carry none of that around

i carry this !



thats wat i use for ID when i buy any beer or go to a bar :smiley:

your current passport went through the washer and looks like poop.:smiley:
and you have like 02385492384209 i.ds. its funny

REI Membership Card
IMBA Membership Card
Starbucks card of unknown denomination
Debit Card
Fishing License
Drivers License
Old SUNY Albany ID (cuz student discounts are still good even with an old ass ID)
Insurance Card
AAA Card
Guitar pick

ok this us what i have

picture of marisa
sefcu card
class dm license
Mclovin ID
american express business platinum
capital one
health insurance card
Bjs card
sams club card
home depot card
lowes card
NRA card
HAZMAT training card
confined space training card
msha explosives/mine and safety training card
clifton park shooting range key
state trooper troop G-zone 1 card
rev industries business card

Drivers License
NBT Debit Card
FNY Debit Card
FNY Credit Card
GE Travel Credit Card
Starbucks Gift Card
Lunch Combo Card for work
Lowes Gift Card
Old ass library card
Regal Movie pass
Local Auto/tow place biz card
Shit ton of ATM and regular receipts
Sportsman hunting/fishing license
A check I have to cash
$40 total cash
Progressive Claims Card
Stewarts Milk Card
Hertz Gold Club Card
Biz Cards: Macys, GE Sensing (x2), GE Global Research, First NY Credit Union, Oxford Instruments (x2), Pine Ridge Dental.

license, $35, school id, 5 of my business cards, debit card ($14.38 in the account), subway gift card, hollywood video card

cash, 21 cards, id, parking pass, all in this:

Shit man, that’s a ballin wad right thurr

probably all ones just for the pic

heres my wallet, sometimes i go by george costanza


There is no way you use everything in there every day…

That’s insane.

Dude, Singh man whipped out his passport at Tailgaters with me the other nite and the chick looked at it all confused (they hire girls that get easily confused), then after looking at the passport and realizing what it was, she then realized she was dealing with a terrorist. Service kinda sucked once she realized he was some crazy international half arab indian mutha fucka bomb maker.


it is. good thing its not mine.

Sitting on that shit would shift your spine over time :rofl