Whats left! Get it out of my living room sale!(UPDATED OFTEN)

How much for the skirts?

200 bucks habibii

how much for the frame rails? or atleast a ballpark price K THX

No bullshit offers for the rails. I dont want your 300 dollars people. Look on ebay and see the prices…

added CF HOOD aswell.

also TW on a RB20DET swap. Call or text me for details.

franks old hood? if so its in really great shape!


Bump for a sick hood ! and good price. if i had extra cash i would but i dont lol

willing to sell just the calipers?? im guessing they are just the fronts?

BRAKES ARE tenetively sold. 250 for everything. Not parting. Not flexible on price. Sorry.

updated with pics of hood, and sold items
Thanks for looking,
Have DMCC legal cage’d up s13 hatch, $1500


Well if the brakes aren’t sold I’ll take them.

hey trade s13 mint just recovered buckets for the rad? very interested!!


sorry man, just looking for CASH

front z32 conversion(4/5 lug) with calipers, cross drilled rotors and great pads and lines, $300 Alloy calipers. BALLER!