Whats on your Christmas List?

treo 700w

jeez…other places I go, meth is a drug…not gas. lol

my xmas list:
new brakes, clean license, and old people to stop driving.

my parents are taking my sister and i to mexico. fuck presents, they’re giving me the gift or warm weather! only for a week, but shiet I’m not complaining

Where in Mexico? It still gets cold there. :slight_smile:

A digital camera :slight_smile:


i jsut want some of my bills paid off…

and maybe a few things for the ///M

Xbox 360

steak and BJs

I would like to be able to pay for all the Wedding shit.

Taking donations.


I keed, I keeeed :slight_smile:

You hit the nail on the head.

Unfortunately… thats my B-Day present too :frowning:

Word…just met with a photographer on Saturday. Fucking highway robbery!!

you should contact a few people on here, im sure they would do it cheaper and im sure there just as good :slight_smile:

and i dno what I want yet, a seasons pass to KB sounds about right

new head gasket kit, and some crack…

Steak and BJ day is March 26. (I remember the date because it’s exactly one week after my birthday)

same here.

rear sway bar
New Football
“Nismo Jacket”
Drew Brees Jersey
Aluminum Pedals
Million Dollars

too many things to list

I didn’t see a smiley or a wink after those.

So my ricer-radar went off :stuck_out_tongue:

new wheels for my skates, as the ones i have are quite worn.

new clothes, as i dropped 50 lbs this year, nothing fits.
