Whats up with joe-Pa?

thank you… people just want to say he shit his pants because he is 79 and still coaching. you dont have to be alum to think something other than him shitting his pants took place

Man this is so funny…arguing is that old fuck shit his pants or now…hahah…but seriously I bet THE ONLY people saying he didnt shit his pant are PSU alums…

Look at the pic…it looks to me that his right arm is behind him trying to hold his turdletts from falling out of his pants and on to the field…hahahahaha

I was watching that game and just to see him run straight across the middle of the field was hilarious. At least he knows the shortest point from the sideline to the shitter is a straightline

poopy pants :noes:

You have to ask Ferris

who the fuck cares, i went to PSU and i could care less about any football since my mentality seems to be equated to whether i support an old fuck who had to poop.

i have never saw someone shit there pants and then run… that makes no sense!

haha…but I have seen people shit their pant while they are running …old man was a little too slow getting to te shitter thats all.

i hate jo pa BUT i want jo pa to live forever because without him there is no penn state. he is the reason they are what they are and that i hate them so bad. sorta like when browns left cleveland. ya i still hate the browns but its not the same as it was.