
I love it!!!

that is fantastic + karma

LMAO… I was gonna say, there are many fans in 3 cities (or 31 to be honest) that love this guy.


awesome. just awesome. +karma from me too.




As awesome as it is for our division, It blows that he is what he is, and got taken out the 1st quarter of the season.

And I’m not a Pats fan at all.

Karma for cheating, running up the scores and having a dipshit for a coach.

that looks like it fucking hurt.


that shirt is FTMFW!

just ordered mine

I can’t see what it is, but I can only imagine it is the epitome of classless trash spewing from someone who is clearly not a sports fan.

I’m going to laugh when the Pats make the playoffs… :mamoru:

lol then why post if u cant see it, and ill laugh also if they make the playoffs.

Ohh and dont lump me with not being a sports fan, you dont know me

Someone needs to cross-post this to a Patriots fan forum and post the aftermath.

I can see the photo in MBOOSTs post, and read.

How are those Yankees doing? Great way to send the stadium out with a bang. :biglaugh:

haha hey this isnt a yankees discussion, so keep it out of this thread, and last i checked Tampa was ahead of Boston also.

I just find it funny that Brady has been on every injured player list for like 4 years and the one game he isn’t he gets injured… I dont want to see his season go up in smoke and playing them at their best would be a great gauge on how the bills actually improved rather than beating a crippled seattle and possible jacksonville team.

Yup, the ironing is immense.
