well, the earliest you will be laughing is next year. sorry your season is over. :sword:

Typical Boston Sports Fan. “your schvantz is bigger than mine?? well, i have 3 OTHER schvantzes that are WAY bigger than YOURS!!!” seriously, get over it. tommyboi’s knee is shredded, matt cassel sucks immensely, the hoodie is overrated, your season is over, and you and all of your boston fan brethren will enjoy a thorough stomping by the bills at LEAST once this year.


Think I should wear that to work?

I work in Boston

  • karma for using the word schvantze


Ugghh… as much as I hate the Pats, I still feel they are the most talented team in this division. Cassel is more than good enough to take the team on a run. I believe both the Bills and the Pats will make the playoffs… I just dont know which one will be the wild card lol.

Lol +1

Any team with moss is good

Pretty classless.

Pretty nobody cares what you think.

Oh shit.

Do you honestly feel sympathy for an NFL athlete, especially Tom Brady of all. The guy makes more in one season than you will ever in your career within a twenty year span or more. He gets more and better ass than this entire site conbined. He has already been blessed with the best Cinderella story in all of sports in this decade. One season down is something even he should rejoice let alone us Buffalonians

Fuck him, now i hope belechek gets hit by a bus, cheating, scumbag

bitter much?


Where did I say I felt sympathy towards Brady? :lol:

I said the shirt was classless, which it is. It’s sucking off Pollard, who hit a QB in the fucking knee. Whether it was intentional or not, he injured a player. And to basically praise him for it is pretty classless. Understand now?


hit him in the knee or wrapped around his ankles causing brady’s foot to get stuck in the grass tearing ligaments in his knee. get your facts straight and STFU :noob:


I will never celebrate the injury of such an accomplished sports figure.

Unless he used roids, then fuck him.

Same. The reactions coming from this show how accomplished he is. Tom Brady is an amazing athlete, and you can’t take that away from him.

:word: Even though I’m not incredibly fond of him, if he spent his whole career thus far in Buffalo, I don’t think anyone around here would have much bad to say about him


did you get the white or red… i got the red.