Whats wrong with youth today...

i like that movie

who cares, its not like hes saying kill jews, jews suck…

Kid needs to actually watch American Hitory X instead of nut hugging on the schwastiak wearing actors. Kid’s just a poser and probably has some cheap knock off Nazi paraphernalia.

Occupation: burgerking


How do you know that all this doesn’t stem from the father?

The kid obviously grew up on the mean streets of Salina.

yea… amazing… the kid is 16… he’s not gonna have a net admin or something job

He probably did, but he just missed the second half every time.

probably because he has character and conviction and confidence…

so many guys don’t get it…

a long time ago i had a 3way with this girl. LOL.

$100 says they are the reason he is like that …

was the other girl… your fat Ex?

beat ya too it orb!

no… here is another picture of her… not super hot. but good addition to a 3way. lol.

other girl is anorexic.

they were both too fucking skinny… the other girl was hotter, tho

I love anorexic girls!!!

well aside from the mental issues, and depression.

The irony is she looks like a Jew.


she wasn’t WP when i “knew” her. She picked that up from some dude later on.

yea. sounds like she is your typical depressed case, finds some kind of sense of belonging and takes on someone elses beliefs for acceptance and love.

God I need to find out where you find these girls, they are usually the ones that will lick your butt cause you threaten to beat them

Yeah, nothing like a low self esteem woman to use.
Needy chicks are a newman specialty.:biglaugh:

LOL :biglaugh:

Some people just want to “fit in”