wheelie-cunt vs. suckling the teet-cunt

A maintance man at a trailer park? How about i run the nicest in NY state retirement community, which is a multi million dollar business…I run the place from top to bottom and side to side and have a staff thats prolly your parents age who work for me. Clearly im good at what i do b/c if not we would have 300 plus unsatisfied tenants and wouldnt have our out standing reputation. And after im done with that i also assist my father with our paving buisiness and ohh ya when time permits i also work for Howard @ RLMS, so get ur facts straight and dont always listen to what people got to say! There are a lot of haters out there and no one wants to give credit when its due…thats fine tho i thrive on people like you…But whatever im done w/ this e muscle shit, if you truely have something to say i’d be happy to invite you over, and since ur in malta im sure you know where you can find me.

and btw, where did i threaten you?? all i said was you dont have the balls to talk like mr. toughguy to my face, that is not a threat, it is a fact