wheels for sale!!

set of 09’ civic si wheels. 250 for all 4!! these wheels are like 1600 brand new. brand new honda part. comes with tire pressure sensors if needed.

these wheels came with my old mk2. i dunno what lug pattern they are but i guess they would have fit on my mk2…? never mounted them put the tires look great about 75% left. looking to get 120 for all 4 with tires.

thanks for looking. you can reach me right on my cell. 727 6588. i am local so pick up will be easy. or if needed i can deliver depending on how far we can talk further. thank you again

Do you know the exact size and offset?

there are two different sets of wheels. the honda wheels are a 17" stock 09 si wheel

The Honda’s I’m assuming would be +41, +45 or maybe +48

nice wheels for honda wheels, would look pretty sick on some cars i could imagine

OH and the price is DIRT cheap !

I’m definately interested in 09 Si’s for my EP3. Where are you located?

located right in colonie. lemme know when u want um. i’m moving into an apartment and need the cash.

If things work out I can prolly swing down next weekend. I have saturdays, sundays and mondays off…so whichever is good for you. Were these ever mounted at all?

they had tires on them but they were sold… i’m on unemployment so whenever u wanna drop on by lemme know.