When one 2JZ isn't enough... *New Daily*

Pfft you are giving him way to much credit at mild

Banstick for both of you.

Nice, love the IS300’s:thumbup

Nice buy, the car looks great and there really solid cars!

Nice daily!
Is that the deck in Schenectady by GE?

Negative sir.

nice daily fanboy :rofl


Is this thing Na-T yet?

Yea 1000whp.

It has an Si gauge cluster and a Type R shift boot that gives me more powaahhhh:rofl

lmao :rofl

PER wheel, right Ryan?:thumbup

Per wheels, or per wheel? Specify how many constitutes a “wheels”.

i put the S in at the end as a typo.

Twas a joke

Yes, per wheel. So 4000whp.

stock and detuned for insurance purposes :smiley: :lol:lol:lol
