where have i been thread???

i got thinkin about an intresting game using pictures to show places we have been…say if someone were to put up a picture of a landmark/statue/something of that nature, and the first person to guess correctly where it was taken, would post another picture

ex… http://www.planetware.com/i/photo/luxor-hotel-las-vegas-nvlvspn2.jpg

answer luxor hotel in vegas…get it???


where is it???






no ocean at disneyland…sry

atlantic city

Go back to Africa

mmm no

virginia beach,va

im so fucking confused



Dude…people posting pics have to try to make it somewhat obvious. The first pic was crap. I’d have said Greece too…seeing as it’s a Myth God and all.

My guess is Australia.

1 star thread

i say zero caus i dont fucking understand a word of it

That’s fine. 1 star = terrible and that’s what this is.

aaaaaaaand you’re not as fast as Jeff’s Cobra:sHa_hehe:

nooooooooooo, you dont think??? you dont think that that could have possibly, just MAYBE have been some sort of a joke? last i checked 14 seconds =/= 12 seconds :lmao


come on people clearly theres an american flag in the picture

k ima p[ost pics of where i been


everyone knows the country, break it down into the city and thats good enough




there thats a few diff countries

have a guess :smiley:

whos on my facebook tho prolly cheat

right your turn