im near kone king, and its def snowing.

Wierd, I’m down the road about a mile-ish and it just started to like barely fall =/

where abouts ? near sky hi?

I’m down near eileens bakery, other side of union.


I just looked outside, and was shocked by the sight of the road coated in snow. I’m so giddy with joy.

:eekdance: dorifto.

I have been putting off getting my board tuned because of the weather and now its snowy and my shits not ready :frowning:


mother fucker.


I have been putting off getting my board tuned because of the weather and now its snowy and my shits not ready :frowning:


Wednesday. Holiday Valley opens with lift tickets costing $4 if purchased between 9-10am. I’m taking the day off from work.

And as for all this snow talk, it’s snowing lightly here with about 2 inches on the ground. :gotme:

snowing now!

i want it to come, cant wait to go tubing etc

Snow=Cold=Bad=End of Story


Wednesday. Holiday Valley opens with lift tickets costing $4 if purchased between 9-10am. I’m taking the day off from work.

And as for all this snow talk, it’s snowing lightly here with about 2 inches on the ground. :gotme:


:snky: know of any good parking lots near you that have some privacy from the man?

Today’s plan was to bring the MR2 and Lotus into my new house’s garage…sigh…


:snky: know of any good parking lots near you that have some privacy from the man?


Not really to be honest. It doesn’t seem to slick out either. I got to work this morning and punched it in the outback with the wheel cranked and couldn’t even slide a little.

Might be the fact that the Outback has a whole 130hp though, lol.

lol isnt it also all wheel drive?


lol isnt it also all wheel drive?


Never was an issue with the DSM. :slight_smile:

LOL dsm’s also have way more horsepower, weigh less and are geared more towards doing shit like that.

well not way more. but 70hp is a substantial amount more.