Where to buy aircraft stripper locally

I assume the lips are powder coated from BBS? If so the strippers hardly touch it. If its anything like the RC’s I just did. I tried 3 different strippers and it hardly did shit.

heavyduty sand blaster / thread

coarse wire wheel or die grinder /thread

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google.com /thread

any professional body shop supply store(albany, schenectady, saratoga, etc) is going to carry the Kleen Strip brand of this stuff.

The clear came right off no problem with the aircraft stripper

stripper will delaminate any catalyst type coating as long as it can penetrate the surface. put a light 80mscratch down and it’ll go. Stuff will lift por15 given time.

I’ve never had to pay for an aircraft stripper (flight attendant), we’ve always stripped each other for free.


Yeah I notice that too on my wheels, but the silver shit bellow it was a real bitch to come off. same with yettis wheels, nothing would touch it.

Like Adam said, scuff/scratch/sand the surface first and it will eat right in, and once it gets under the surface its light out for the coating and will come right off.