where to buy extended wheel studs in the GTA?

DON’T buy ebay extended studs EVER

This is a very important part that you don’t want to go cheap.
Member assass1n got some ebay studs on the front of his GTR last rims he got. He drove it seldomly in a 3 day span after member Bountywolf and I swapped his engine. The car was acting extremely weird and he called me to describe the problem. The way he described it didn’t seem so bad, but he insisted it was very bad to drive. I forced him to drive it to my house so I could fix it for him. When he got here 3 of the studs on the front left wheel had broken off and 2 of the studs on the front right wheel had broken off. Luckily he lives fairly close to me, because a little longer and the car would’ve been on the ground. The studs literally stretched and the front left wheel had an excessive wobble with most of the hub not even making contact with the rim surface. The same ebay studs we’d changed a few days before had broken and/or stretched horribly on only the front two wheels that we changed. The backs were stock and perfectly fine.
I made him pick up a set of OEM Z32 studs from Nissan before the closed. Bountywolf was over helping me with my car, so we put his car up on jacks while he was gone, ground down the calipers a bit so they wouldn’t rub the rims and by the time he got back we popped the new ones in. It’s been working perfectly for the past year or so.

Go with something tested. I generally don’t promote name brand parts like this, but go with Nismo. They are tempered a little bit harder than the stock Nissan studs with the perfect amount of stretch in them necessary.