where to download full albums?

i have, there are certain artists that i like a lot and give them justice by paying for their cd’s like musiq soulchild, i bought all of his albums


Out of the $14.00 spent for the for a CD:
$.10 goes to the artist
$.56 goes to Best Buy, WalMart, etc.
$.25 goes into physically manufacturing the CD
$13.09 goes to the fucking record companies so they can keep the lawsuits coming.

That’s why you should not buy CD’s. :nono:

I buy from Local or unsigned acts ONLY.

Buying CDs pretty much doesnt get anywhere near the artists pocket unless their unsigned.

If you really want to support the artist, goto their show and buy some merch. Most of the time they had to pay a fuckload out of their pocket to get it anyways.

They have dumbed it down alot, but I usualy jump on EF net and get into certian rooms. Theres a few bots with comandline interfaces that arent hard to use at all. But thats till above an average user.

Newsgroups > All. Nothing compares.


Im seriously suprised this thred hasnt been hijacked/flamed yet by some homo who buys all their albums and freaks on people like us who d/l music. I personally use torents.to