where to download full albums?

whats a good website to get music from?

off bitorrents like mininova.org

excuse me for asking a dumb question, but what is a torrent/bitorrent?


search engine for all the mainstream torrent sites… it’s like searching all of them at once.

SImilar to a PTP program (like morpheus, limewire, etc) but instead of a program that big you download what is called a tracker. Then you goto websites where people have the files that are read by the tracker (Called .torrent files) and you can load them into the tracker and it downloads the corresponding file even across however many people are “seeding” teh file (uploading it after they are done downloading it)

check out using www.packetnews.com along with mIRC. its how i get all my albums.

IRC > Torrents

MPAA and the RIAA are busting up torrent sites left and right, even the private ones that you need an invite and have to have a good download to upload ratio. Oh and if you have Comcast, you can get cease and desist letters from them or the copyright holders telling you to stop being retarded and using torrents.

Demonoid just got shut down, best site i’ve ever used…but it was from some canadian crap…whoever said they were harmless lied.

I used IRC a few years ago and could never seem to get to the right places or be able to actually download anything useful.

All the fucking bots drove me crazy.

oink.cd was the best torrent site out there

nothing even close ever existed or will ever exist again

demonoid sucked

comcast is going to be eating shit because of those letters… well, more specifically the junk packets sent to customer end points to cause network overhead using peer-to-peer… there is a class action brewing and they were taken to court yesterday…

x2 :reloading


Yep, Ive seen some reports on them blocking seeding, i mean its smart really. They dont want the legal trouble from the RIAA/MPAA over their retarded users, but it backfired on them lol. I cant stand torrents, most public trackers are slow as fuck. I never bothered with privates as my upload speed from comcast was bullshit to begin with.

how does irc work? what else do people use besides p2p crap like kazaa and torrents?

I never understood how to get files from IRC, I understand torrents, etc… but never really fucked with irc.

install mirc, goto packetnews.com, search for what you want, click on the link and mirc will open, then hit ctrl-v to paste the info in. that’s all

you can use some peer to peer programs for torrents, i use ares for both p2p and torrents, torrents tend to be horribly slow at times

i actually do something pretty crazy, if there is a whole cd that i want, i go to the store and buy it…

I haven’t bought a cd since I got the internet :D:D:D