Where would you get a brass pole in buffalo?

Then you get to come drink beers with me while the girls “work out.”

Word. :smiley:

I’m sold :smiley:

I can get it but we will have to discuss remuneration.



I like that word for some reason

whole lotta ugly in that burlesque pic


get the glow pole!!!

The Platinum Glow Pole is brand new to the Platinum Stage product line and has taken night clubs and dance clubs to a new level of entertainment. This pole will fit in place of your current 2" pole and add a whole new effect to your club, or party room.
This pole is custom cut to your ceiling dimensions and includes: Custom Pole, Led COLOR CHANGER, and ALL mounts needed. It is simple to put up and requires only a few holes in the ceiling and floor. THIS IS THE ONLY COLOR CHANGING POLE ON THE MARKET THAT CAN ACTUALLY BE DANCED ON!

LED color mixer goes to the beat of your music or will stay consistant in one of its 250 different color options.

I just got paid an will be at your house with dollar bills in hand if you pull this off

I just showed my fiance this thread. She offered to buy the pole herself. I love my life. :pimp:


lucky bastard

too bad the classes already started. I would soooooo do this :slight_smile:

Maybe it’s time for a pole in my apartment :wink:

damn if i still worked at the shop i would have soo grabed you one when i walked out.

If it’s still available I’ll take it. :tspry:

pm sent…

Thats my thaught lol

LOL at James Earl Jones quote!

:rofl: “Yeah, uh hi Karen. Uh, Butch sent me for the strippper pole?” :laughter:

I pick it up tomorrow. Thanks Butch!

well… now that you will make more $$… she needs to find creative ways of extracting it from you :smiley:

dont forget lots of mirrors

You’re welcome…lol … she called me laughing…I told her you were going to walk into the office and yell “WHERE"S MY STRIPPER POLE!!!”

Have fun…