Flag Pole Installation

Hey guys,

So the worker that put up my fence is going to swing by toward the end of March to install my flag pole for me, concrete all that stuff. He’s doing it off the books. Before someone says “just do it yourself”, there are some things you leave to the pros, and I’m not fucking with concrete.

How much should I expect to pay? As he said “we’ll figure that out later”.

Or if someone on here wants to just do it let me know.



How big is the flag pole? Is this at a residence or business?

One story residence. 20-25 ft. aluminum flag pole around 3-400$ I figured it would be better than fiberglass. I don’t want to spend 1500+ on a stainless steel pole at the moment.

That has a ton of awesome reviews and it’s 123$ Basically looking for someone to install it for me.

This is not a statement you should be hearing.

Most of the reviews are from southern states, whoever you have install it I would recommend they go at least 3’ instead of the 2’ in the instructions. Last thing you want is frost heave to make it crooked. As far as what you should pay…labor on removing a broken fence post and resetting cost me $200. It took two guys 4 hours and the majority of that was getting the old post out of the ground. I cant imagine this install costing more than $50.

I can’t imagine a contractor just showing up at my house for less than $50, let alone doing the labor involved with digging a hole deep enough for a flagpole then cementing it in.

Yea the guys not a contractor though…my point is that if a fence company charged me $250 for 8 hours on the books that this guy should charge him $50 for one hour off the books…

I don’t know man, I wouldn’t show up for a job to make $50 on or off the books.

With a post hole digger this is literally a 20 minute job…

Now I wouldn’t do it either for the $50, but this guy workin for a fence company at $25 an hour max on the books would prob love to…

My point is don’t let this guy rip you off. It’s an easy job.

your 20 min estimate in the absolute best case scenario is not going to take 20 min

i would guess you are looking at 100-200 bucks including concrete. I would also not go less than 3 feet. I don’t know why people are so scared of concrete. you dump a bag in a wheelbarrow add water mix mix mix and dump in the hole. Replete until you have a hole filled.

personal preference I don’t like mixing and poring concrete when it is this cold. I am no expert but after installing directv dishes on poles for years I find the pole mounts made in the winter usually have concrete that crumbles over time. It could be due to lack of mixing or water freezing before it fully cures but it is just one mans opinion.

$50 off the books it not worth getting ready, driving ones vehicle out to the job site (wasting their gas) and doing back breaking labor type work for $50.

They’ll already be there on the books installing 10 feet of fence I should have done last year, but instead I listened to my mom and planted 200$ worth of bushes that died LOL. Their boss said they do it all the time just throw them a couple bucks on the side, so they’ll have the Auger and the cement mixer already there.

Your soil pH is most likely out of wack. I planted 5 Rhododendron bushes that looked AWESOME in bloom, then the fuckers died on me. And I fed the fuckers with an acid plant food too. The soil where I planted them sucked. Lesson learned. And I am giving you gardening tips-my life officially sucks

Ah, yeah thats not so bad. Im surprised the boss is ok with it rather than him getting the $50 while they do it.

I’m guessing the boss doesn’t know about this add on to the work order, which is the best way to get something done cheap for cash. :slight_smile:

No literally 20 mins to set a post if you have a digger…
I guess no one here was ever poor cause i used to do much tougher jobs than this for an extra $50…

I was a carny from ages 14-21, riding my bicycle (until I was 17) 15 miles for 5$ an hour and a free lunch with a bunch of Russians, Africans or Mexicans (depended on the summer). Man I loved that job.

Yep I worked 12 hour days at a farmers market for $5 an hour from 14-18. What I remember most is the smell of rotten potatoes…worse than dead worms