wheres a good place around WNY for "landscape" photos?

ok, so im taking a photography class to fulfill an art credit. i need to take photos of landscapes while emphasizing minimum and maximum depth of field.

now, this class is pretty much a walk though for me, but im struggling with this particular project because, well, landscapes are not my, uhh, “specialty”

anyway, we’re supposed to have a set of 6 photos, 3 with min. depth of field and 3 with max. i have my 3 max ones already:




they’ve since been photoshopped and ive taken the spots and such out of them. but where can i go to get some good landscape pics emphasizing minimum depth of field?


and i have taken the suck out of them.


WRONG! its buffalo you cannot take the suck out of the pics nice try :lolham:


WRONG! its buffalo you cannot take the suck out of the pics nice try :lolham:


o wow that was supposed to say “such” not “suck” HAHAH proofreading > me

but touche on not being able to take the “suck” out of buffalo (for the most part)

^^^ lol just thought id help

ummm… Niagra Falls.
Down the 400 and 16… rolling hills and countryside is beautiful


ummm… Niagra Falls.
Down the 400 and 16… rolling hills and countryside is beautiful


ehh the falls is overplayed IMO…and everyone else in the class has pics of the falls lol i wanted to do something different

hamburg street bridge probably has the best shot of the city.

Just get lost in the Wales area- really nice country.


hamburg street bridge probably has the best shot of the city.


if it’s where i’m thinking, that is a nice spot.

Try showing buffalo for what it is, and get some good shots of rundown warehouses.

edit - maybe deleware park on a clear dry day?


ehh the falls is overplayed IMO…and everyone else in the class has pics of the falls lol i wanted to do something different


like take shots of Buffalos dumpy waterfront? not the best approach

The Niagra River Gorge is pretty cool

Cliffs down in Hamburg off Rt5

Olcott beach.:gotme:

aye i was gonna say down in the gorge…

i flew by those windmills in a single prop plane and they looked pretty sweet.

know anyone with a plane or a pilot’s license? The friend I went with is away at college.

Were those 3 pictures taken with film or digital? If digital what camera?


Were those 3 pictures taken with film or digital? If digital what camera?


Canon Rebel XT digital SLR. not sure how those spots ended up on there. it was quite windy the day i was down there so some dust prob just blew on the lens.

I bet you can find more places to take manscape photos.