Whitey or Peweter

Is the clock wrong on the server, I keep getting posted, and visted 3 hrs ahead of current time?

my posts are legit… server time is accurate.

thats odd my clock is the money as well, oh well?

time zone setting in your user profile… it was set to brazil.

did that fix it?

Today, 06:27 PM #3 <------------------ ???
Registered User

Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: PGH
Posts: 432 thats odd my clock is the money as well, oh well?

try again.

whats strange it just bumped up to 929pm 6hrs ahead?

opps! hahah my bad… try again!

btw this should really be in the help section!

why ask me !im a dumass!!! :dunno: :booty:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

lol sorry, didnt know where to post! working now great!