Who here has CAD?

Back in HS I was in a CAD class and did well in it. Im looking to pick up a CAD program for CHEAP to mess around on. I think the program that we were using was AutoSketch but Im not 100% sure. Let me know what you got.

I have autocad2006, but i don’t know if i want to give it up because it’s actually a legit, licensed copy. I have Rhino3d if you want that. It’s easy to used. research it and see if you want to play with it.

Rhino3d is a little bit more than I need. Can you make a backup of Autocad06 and I can borrow it?

i have autocad 2004 and autodesk inventor 5

I use Pro/E Wildfire 2.0 just about everyday, and Autocad about once a week or so…

I have copies of Pro/E, but don’t have a machine strong enough at home to run it comfortably.

anyway I can get a copy of 2004

SURE I’LL PM U when I Copy it for DrImodium

97 Formula…can i get a copy of Pro/E

I’m sure there are torrents for AutoCAD. Now that I am thinking about it, I would like a copy. I haven’t done it since high school.

ok i have a running count of 3 copies of AutoCad 2004 to copy…by the way it has has good license with it too…no cracks needed

awsome. What do you want in return :wink:

REACH-AROUND…hows 10 bux


2004 and 2006 were available in torrents w/ working serials, i havent gotten around to reinstalling it on my new system. 8 hours a day is enough for me anyways…

i cant get enough…:slight_smile:

any one have a copy of CAD KEY?

used to have cadkey99. I hated it though so out the window it went.

^ dam! i like it but i am different.

It had its good points but just didnt fit my style. Beisdes this was years ago. Ill look threw my old college stuff, maybe I have a copy laying around. If so Ill let you know but chances are very slim that I do.

I still have it installed on my old desktop, but I dont see how that can help.

for everybody that PMd me or wanted a copy of 2004…it seems i have a bad batch of CD-Rs…so i need to get a spool of new ones…hopefully tonite…PM me with ?s