who in 09

Thos thread is OT anyways lol, supra talk, 3S talk, fuck it

Ask Hank

Can do it yourself, or talk to Hank, im sure he’d hook ya up!

Keep it a STREET car. Cages are for wimps that want to run once at LVD.

This thread is now about 5.0 mustangs and only 5.0 mustangs

Id just have one built though IMO, b/c alot of the premade ones are JUUUNK

dude I was beattttttt! That was like my 15th or 16th hour working haha


Do I even have a build thread for it?


More 5.0 talk now

Thats fuckin nuts. Hey you guys need a bitch to shovel walkpaths or somethin…HIRE ME BITCH!:rofl

Nick still have his 5.0?

I has a 5.0 IROC…its dumb fast yo:retardclap

Nick who?

Let it snow…Dan needs $$$ :slight_smile:

Yea, but I only have 1 shot at getting a good run then.

Which= BOG then a 13.0@130:bh:

If you bog it you will have another run. Just let off if you miss a gear, bad launch etc etc

good run = sub 11.50’s

you had better go better then an 11.50 you prick