who in 09

Who knows, I really wanna use those sweet harnesses I have laying around. lol

What ya think shes good for? You goin all out liek we talked about?

I now, but 11.49 and under requires a cage

Still debating, I talked to them over the phone today and they are in stock. plus they said they’ll gimme a price break and shipping on them

Dan’s gonna be running 9’s

^ I thought it was 10.99 and under?

Enough off topic bs, I need a build thread. I don’t think I have one yet.

i might need a helmet this year :open_mouth:

Fuck that. 6’s or bust lol

Yea do it up then. We will have that entire car torn apart tomorrow

you need a hemlet when ur walking around

Oh yea Sully make a build thread

no retards do. and retards buy 3/s’s

That is not true

it is very true. buy a real DSM

11.99 and under require a roll bar

11.49 and under

4g63t ftw

Not at all tracks, depends on if they are NHRA, NMRA, IHRA, etc etc. Did you know youre supose to have a cage in a convert if youre running faster than a 13.99…

I don’t own a vert so no. But I know most NHRA tracks say 11.49 and under.