who in 09

so is mine… i just aint putting in the time, effort and money. im using this to fix my license and not be a cop magnet…

come on now who ya kiddin it would take a miracal for that car to run again ,ya could buy a new one for what it would cost

His civic is pretty fuckin sweet… saw it for myself… cant wait till you get it bro!

still rebuildable…

lets clear something up

Raif is not turbo tony.

Turbo tony, has the Elantra

Raif and his brother have the talons

Tony is TT Motorsport (or TurboTonyMotorsport)

Raif and his brother are RRT (RaifRacingTransmissions)

not the same.

yeh might as well keep adding to the mythical backruptcy right? would this be before or after you pay back everyone you owe money too?

you really are a prick. i had given you the benefit of the doubt for a long time but you cant resist butting in somewhere you have no business being.

here we go again

I suppose in the same way that Hiroshima was rebuildable during WWII

Hiroshima was still a city, it was the destruction of Hiroshima that led to the surrender of Japanese forces. oh and Hiroshima is a beautiful city now adays, his STI, not so much

That was cool how they rebuilt that shit… lets make em do it again. no reason

japan isnt really the problem these days…

I know, but I figured ya know, we could just throw things outta balance in the world. I bet they would be really surprised. Would get even for that tricky Pearl Harbor surprise . We owe them one, they would understand. After all, eye for an eye.

we blew up one of their biggest cities, id say it about covers the eye for an eye :redspotdance:

im eager to see what happens in Israel this time around. seems to be heating up. like a microwave dinner cooked on high for a few minutes too long.

AHHH. I love Geography.Israel will be intresting. Shit is gonna hit the fan for sure.

'09. I really don’t plan on taking anyone big out this year because I won’t feel like upgrading the turbos.

I have already said too much.

Ha ha dont give it away

:squint Hmm??