who in 09

My car wont see the light of day until summer 2010 if im lucky…


Bank called?


Just doing things the right way


you dont know shit about hoax’s…

It won’t be that long tho, but i dont wanna say the car will be done when it may not be for a while

i wanna shot at silent in my daily…lol

I got $10 on Silent.

I plan on taking out anyone with a motor bigger than 500cc.

You mean bikes only right?

When’s this “Civic” of yours making its appearance?

+1, I hear a lot of talk, but don’t see a lot of PIX!! PIX OR BAN!! :smiley:

I don’t think he went to go pick the car up yet

I’m sure he would if it existed.


whats the exscuse gonna be when ya lose that race to :rofl or it starts on fire

i’m not plannin on racin anyone beginning of season but towards july/august i may have to change my username for something a bit more, well… “fitting”:ohnoes

Cant use the clutch excuse, thats for sure

Eventually this year. =0

No pics yet. Only of the finished product, no build thread for me.


Tou che.


wait…'09 or '10??

ill just use the same excuse you have used for the past 3 years… why you havent had a car that can hold together for more than a few days.

only been without a car this past summer so whatever at least when im done mine are rebuildable