who in 09

What? “Shit”?.. Sorry brosky.

I owe you a punch in the testicles


You are already owed 100’s of kicks and punches

You best pipe down over there wee man

Wait so what’s the “BAMF Pussy Magnet Car”? the VR? Z28? Bobcat?:rofl

What are you gonna sit on me? Bitch

You’d like that too much ya fag:rofl

Yes I would love to be smothered by your hair belly:shitsweak:

It’ll keep ya warm!

It is cold out…but back on topic hopefully there are some good runs this year

Hmm, In no order

K20Powerz (rematch w00t)
Sully (even tho I have no idea what the car is, its all fun)
88slomarro, but I doubt the car will see the pavement:shitsweak:

and anyone else that wants to go. Should be good times had by all, I need to get as much seat time in as possible

No races for me guys. I started a basket weaving hobby that is and will be taking up much of my time/funds. Sorry to rain on the parade here, the S4 is current up for sale so I can invest in more basket weaving materials. Don’t worry, the trans will be rebuilt before its sold.

As for all of the other races, winners will receive a basket of your choice.

first off the turbo spins freely with zero shaft play… NOTHING wrong with it.

secondly… stick to making that honda faster… last time i checked i pulled a better time at lvd than you…on pump gas.

thirdly, you blew your shit up too bitch. people in glass houses shouldnt throw stones.

the ej207 in his wrx SHOULD make full boost on the green by ~4k rpm’s and be able to pull to 7500 on a stock block… good for NEAR the same power i was on pump gas. he just needs to lose the skirt and launch the thing without fear of grenading the tranny…but have some pennies put away for that possible scenario…

remember, you gotta pay to play, and speed costs money. how deep are your pockets?

ok, my list was way off, my bad.


^Just exhaust (kinda like j00…), 13.8 @ 97

^st0ckz0rz, 14.1 @ 94

j00 and ur JDM mods=15.3 @ 93 (or 92 or some shit)

All ball-busting aside, 2 hour delay for school FTMFW :up :up :up

Back to bed for me.

im guessin deeper than yours right now…

its on pavement right now fucker and it runs just not as well as i would like yet

keep guessin… but then again ive been wrong in the past…


Singh wtf is with this thread. I got like 4 PMs at 3:00am about racing. My phone kept going off and waking me up.

Sounds good Stallmer, your car should be a beast. Gonna smoke my POS.

This thread could turn into a disaster.