Who plans to go to their high school reuion ? version 2.0

coming home from work today i realized that the bar on the corner … a mere 5 minute walk from the house … has a sign out front stating that my schools “reunion party” will be held there in a few days

hmmmm …

not sure if i should go get drunk around a bunch of drunk exclassmates …

Do you want to see said ex-classmates?

My theory is this:

Why go back? See people you obviously weren’t good enough friends to stay friends with? Anyone from high school that I wanted to keep ties with I did, and still speak with, everyone else I could care less what they are doing.

Meh I may go back to mine in a few years. I still talk to maybe 15-20 highschool people every now and then just to keep in contact and see what everyone is up to. If its right down the street just stop in, if its gay leave.

Why not?

I’d probably go.

hopefully in a ferrari.


Do you want to see said ex-classmates?


depends on how you mean that, lol

theres only 2 people i can think of from my graduating class that i would currently be willing to sit down and have a civil conversation with. one of whom is married to one of the people i would be most likely to wind up beating the piss out of.

im guessing there will be other people there that i could wind up talking to. seams like everyone ive seen from my class remembers me …

…and only like a 1/3 of my graduating class ever pissed me off …lol

Probably not. I went to Sweet Home… Enough said.

i couldn’t care less about 99% of my graduating class. the other 1% i’m still friends with and talk to all the time.

How big was everyone else’s graduating class in Buffalo? Mine was 43.

i’d go to a ten year re-union just for laughs and the ability to crack jokes at all the people who never gave up their letter-jackets

i mean… come on, who doesn’t want to snicker at your own personal biff tanner

my graduating class was around 400. haha.


Probably not. I went to Sweet Home… Enough said.




i’d go to a ten year re-union just for laughs and the ability to crack jokes at all the people who never gave up their letter-jackets

i mean… come on, who doesn’t want to snicker at your own personal biff tanner

my graduating class was around 400. haha.


I remember @ college one of the guys I played football with said in LI he graduated with over 1600, I was like holy shit.

Anything that big up here?




lol no fucking doubt about that.

Joe, when’d you graduate from SH?

me? 98 :frowning:

edit: mcell - niagra falls is probably the biggest, i think they may have had l ike 500-600 people in each class.

im sure the idiot from LI meant his school had 1600 people total. what fucking highschool has 6000 kids? could you imagine 6000 of those annoying gotti fucks at once? :bloated: lol

glad I went to mine. got to see titties, a girl pass out wasted while standing up, and got the best BJ ever after. All in all was a pretty fun night.

i would go


glad I went to mine. got to see titties, a girl pass out wasted while standing up, and got the best BJ ever after. All in all was a pretty fun night.


If the put that on the invitation everyone would go.

ill probably go to mine

lol no, my school was filled with drug addicts

any bar in south buffalo is a high school reunion for me