who wants to race

too mad u cant driv thre :stuck_out_tongue: hgahahaha
mr. k20.

havnt you heard? the s14 went rb and the k20 is in the garage lol

you havent been around to see anything done to the chassis or wheels

and chad wakes up from his dream to a rsx.

lol samson ul win if its 50metersā€¦ olympians do 100meters in 9.8seconds or so lolā€¦ so if ur 50meters is 6seconds then u win :stuck_out_tongue: no way he has 6second carā€¦ maybe a low 11 second car

season hows the hearpes going?

season, 11 seconds? careful, you might offend zeeā€¦

i could run 100 meters in maybe 12-13 seconds.

so lets make it 70 meters?

lets do it zee!

Nice post!

Sure I will race you where do you live?


uhhh not once was there one mention of street racing by turbozee

you all just assumed thats what he meant

O man, this is going to be fun to watch.
Ill be in the bleachers with the twelve pack

wow and i can wrap my dick around my head like a fuckin turbanā€¦

gayest thread everā€¦

wtf is wrong with some of youā€¦
