Who's Got Them?

Might be a repost, but I’m just curious…

Who all has a D.A.R.E Plate? Everytime I cruise to Pittsburgh I see cars (i.e. wrx’s, neons, etc) that have them and I get curious to know if they are auctal members here on PITTspeed.

Last night when I went to Loew’s Theaters a silver tib had a d.a.r.e plate, pretty sure it was a female driver, couldn’t really tell because she was zipping around and weaving between traffic on 376 goin towards Homestead.

I’ll keep my eye out for more plate sightings, maybe i’ll get lucky one night and it will be someone from here


I have one :boink

i have 2!!

you have to sell drugs to buy one

i have one, but its not on a car yet until i decide what to buy…

lol I thought you were out of the game

i have 2, one has a pittspeed plate frame (so thats a given)

All i said was its not on a car yet until i decide what to buy… How does that make me “in the game”? I could be referring to any type of automobile.

On a side note. I was almost thinking of starting a new project. But putting a new timing belt on the Camry just reminded me of how much i fucking hate cars.

As I said before, im done with this shit. Well at least for quite a while, it would be silly to say “never”.

put the dare on the camry colors would look good together

i have one, black plates+black cars=hottness

ive been thinking of getting one for a better look. the stock plate is so :greddy:

how do u get one? i hate dealing with the DMV, they’re a waste of time…

flagship niagra > *

aren’t they redesigning the dare plates? a messegner shop in NVersailles had a sign out saying that they can’t sell them anymore till the new ones are released???

pgh zoo plate > *

old old yellow and blue pa plates> dare plates> old blue and yellow plates> any gay animal or alumni plate> the white yellow blue pieces of shit plates we have now.


salvage yard plate>all

dare plates only work on red, black, white, or silver cars.

i got one. I dare you to compete with the porno red :kekegay: