im guessing yours… you cant even make the poll to vote…
i was still making the poll as you were posting lol
lol yamaha has them beat by a “head” :bowrofl:
shaggy, I hate that douche.
i picked yamaha … Seems little queerish
i like shaggy’s sig tho
a little ?
you were going to be my other vote since you buy and sell everything you get your hands on but you dont seem as emo as yamaha
Doesnt matter to me. Got 2 kids. Gotta make money. Hate if u want.
not hatin
this is funny, the most annoying person making a thread to see where he stands. but what he doesnt get is the reality of how many times hes been banned, posts deleted or ppl telling im to go die or get lost but still stays around for osme reason.
its like the kid that got picked on in school, no matter what you did to him, he kept coming back to be liked but he was only liked to be made fun of
so thanks Slowshelby for your entertainment
congrats you fucking win
slim thanks for the vote :bj:
:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: